Cloud ERP | Books keeping
Sales / Purchase / Metal Settlement / Customer / Venders / Stock View /Accounts / Ledger / Party Balance / Master Policy / Cost-Calc. / Users / System-Admin / Controls / KYC /
CRM & email marketing
SMS / Email / Album / Order Tracking / Customer Portal / Mail Marketing. Be in constant connection with your 1000\’s customers & leads. Drive more sales using your design library.
Manufacturing (Factory/Outsource)
Priority Order & ETA Forecast / Manage JOB bags / Weight Loss Tracking-Refinery Melting Operation / Smart WIP-production planing / Branch Operation / Barcode/RFID tools / Craftsman Display-Terminal
B2C eCcommerce (Ratail)
we make your brand Website into E-Commerce Solutions for Jewelry Retailer. Easy and secure controls with integrated back office management. Sale on internet reduces destination barriers and do business online 24×7 to reach more customers.
B2B eCommerce (eCatalog)
E-Commerce Website Solution for B2B (Business-to-Business) Sales allow Jewelry Manufacturers and Wholesalers to sale on internet. Save time & money (real inventory) and reach more customers.
Diamond E-commerce
- Solitaire(certified) diamonds
- Parcel(loose) diamonds
Advance Search / Matching Pair / Diamond Map / Comparison tool / Rap Discount and more..
Customer portal
customer portal gives your clients real-time feedback on their account and jobs\’ progress. Allows them to access their orders, invoices and payment history online (even on mobile). Allow your selected customers to view and order online form your style library (design bank).
Vendor portal
work efficiency with clear communication with better transparency using. Easy to use web-based tool for vendor improves visibility into production processes and planned time-lines which result in to better business and more stronger market position.
News Letters
Its magic when KYC-integrated with newsletter system so auto sync customer database. This magic scale-up vertically your marketing and sales with band value. our powerful delivery infrastructure also helps to protect your brand from falling in sapm-boxes.
Business intelligence and MIS are key player into your competitive edge. full depth knowladge of your business in real time and intelligent-design-recommendation engine boost your sales and production pipeline on optimized delivery schedule.
Product development / Design team
Product development process / Online Collaboration / Accept Customization in Job / Ideas lead business / Leverage of technology / Tracking sketch to CAD to Master Piece
Security & Controls
Advance cloud security and user access controls Security that inspires confidence. OptigoAppsmakes data access safe, reliable, and fast. And with powerful admin controls, IT can protectinformation both inside and outside your organization. All that you want to control yourbusiness needs.
OptigoApps cloud infrastructure offers robust capabilities focused on system availability in cost effective manners, TCO (total cost of ownership) have shown dramatic results into every facet of your business—including supply chain, sales, inventory, marketing, customers satisfaction , and product life cycle—all within a secure infrastructure built specifically for the diamond and jewelery industry.
- Order Management
- Design selection **
- Order tracking system
- ETA – updates alerts
- Diamond requirement
- Gold/Metal requirement
- Billing Integration
- Account Integration
- CRM integration
- Customer Portal
- more Mobile fetures
- Job Work Contractor
- Customer Inventory
- Ecommerce Orders
- Mobile Orders
- Requirement
- Engage metrical
- Casting process
- Production process
- Dust recovery
- Barcode technology
Orders from Online Catalog
Get it direct into your sales order list without extra efforts to handle multiple channels like Mobile(iPhone/iPad/android ) or standard ecommerce website.
Multi-Channel: Leads to Sales
Customer can place order by using multi channels like walk-in-store/ via email / phone-call / online catalog (ecommerce) /mobile store /Exhibition– Trade-show / on sales rep. Travelling all your jobs flow in steam at OptigoApps. Customer can see in online job tracking.
Leads to Sales Order
Make Special for new comers (Potential Leads) in your business, track them and turn in to sales. OptigoApps helps you in every stage- catalog to payment. Chat with online visitors
E-Catalogue in SMS
SMS is one of most handy service and available to all. Today we can drive More Business from smart mobile phone which is widely available. OptigoApps is ready for easy and feature reach in customer services will make most convenient business tool. Customer receive SMS to make choice for 1000s of designs.